
Viewing the Site
Viewing/Printing in PDF
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Viewing the Site

This Web site has been designed and tested to be viewed optimally using the latest versions of Chrome, Safari, FireFox, Edge or Internet Explorer browsers. Free upgrades of the browsers are available from their providors.

Viewing should be satisfactory under different operating systems and different devices. A mobile view will appear for devices with smaller screen resolution.

Viewing/Printing in PDF

Selected documents (draft Environmental Impact Reports, RFQs, Advertisements for Bids, etc.) and organization charts are available in Adobe Acrobat Portable Document Format (PDF). These files can be viewed in PDF format provided that the Adobe Acrobat Reader v10.0, or later, is installed on your local computer or the network. This software is available free to download from the Adobe Web site

Saving PDF Documents

To save files on this site to your computer running on the Windows operating system, using most browsers, right click on the link and select "Save Link As..." or "Save Target As...".