Contracts Overview

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Bidding Documents
Contractors & Design Professionals
Insurance Requirements


The Contracts Administration Office administers the design agreement and construction contract process for the UCLA campus, including the bidding of construction contracts. In compliance with the California Public Contract Code and University of California policy, UCLA conducts:

  • formal competitive bidding for construction projects valued above $300,000 via public advertisement;
  • informal competitive bidding for construction projects valued between $50,000 and $300,000; and;
  • either informal competitive bidding or negotiated contracting for construction projects valued at less than $50,000, as allowed by Code and UC policy.


Advertising for UCLA construction projects valued above $300,000 may be found on this website Projects Currently Bidding.

Bidding Documents

Bidding documents are available on the UCLA Online Planroom website. Bidders should check the Advertisement for Bids of the applicable project for details. Following is general contact information for the UCLA Contracts Administration office:

Contracts Administration Office
University of California, Los Angeles
1060 Veteran Avenue, Suite 125
Box 951365
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1395
TEL:(310) 825-7015
FAX:(310) 206-4247
Monday through Friday
8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.; 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.


Contractors and Design Professionals

For Construction Contractors

Contractors wishing to bid on projects valued at $300,000 or less must register through our UCLA Vendor Portal. Click on the following hyperlink to download our Vendor user guide to register: Vendor Portal User Guide (PDF) . Information gathered from this form will be added to the Rotating Bidders List and provided to our Project Managers.

For Contractor or license questions: Contracts Administration

For Design Professionals and Other Consultants

In compliance with UC Policy, UCLA solicits consultant services (design, construction management, and miscellaneous design/construction-related services) through public advertisement or informal, non-advertised solicitations, depending on the dollar amount of the project and services.

To be part of the Applicant Pool listing and be considered for selection as a consultant to provide architectural, landscape architectural, engineering, environmental, land surveying, construction project management services, and other University-related services with a contract value of $100,000 or less, you must register through our UCLA Vendor Portal. Click on the following hyperlink to download our Vendor user guide to register: Vendor Portal User Guide (PDF) and additional registration tips: Vendor Portal Registration Tips (PDF).

For Design Professional or Consultant questions: Submittal Administration

For the complete Annual Announcement from University of California Office of the President which includes UC campuses contact information, please see attached PDF: Annual Announcement

Insurance Requirements


1. INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS - Certificates of insurance are required on all UC projects. In addition to the requirements listed below, the Certificate must name the Regents of the University of California as an additional insured for all insurance, excluding Professional Liability and Workers’ Compensation Insurance. Certificated must be sent in when the vendor signs the contract.

A. COMPREHENSIVE OR COMMERCIAL FORM GENERAL LIABILITY – covering bodily injury, personal injury, property damage, and contractual liability (if on “claims made” basis, coverage shall survive not less than three (3) years after termination of contract). For claims made, the firm will need to provide updated COIs for three years after the Notice of Completion has been filed.

General Liability   


Each Occurrence – Combined Single Limit for Bodily Injury & Property Damage  


Products – Completed Operations Aggregate  


Personal & Advertising Injury  


General Aggregate  


Business Auto Liability –  Each Accident – Combined Single Limit for Bodily Injury & Property Damage  


Workers Comp & Employers Liability   

As required by Federal & State of Calif. Law  

Professional Liability   


Each Claim  


General Aggregate  


The following information is required exactly as shown on all COIs


1. The Regents of the University of California, The University of California, University, and each of their Representatives, consultants, officers, agents, employees, and each of their Representative's consultants, are included as additional insureds on the general liability policy as required by contract and pursuant to additional insured endorsement CG2010 (11/85) or a combination of both CG 2010 (10/01 or 07/04) and CG 2037 (10/01 or 07/04) but only in connection with (Project Name & Project Number or Non-Project Specific PSA)

2. The General Liability coverage contains a Severability of Interest provision and shall be primary insurance as respects The Regents of the University of California, its officers, agents and employees. Any insurance or self-insurance maintained by The Regents of the University of California shall be excess of and non-contributory with this insurance.


The Regents of the University of California
Capital Programs, Contracts Administration
University of California, Los Angeles
1060 Veteran Avenue, Box 951365
Los Angeles, CA 90095

Please see the link for a sample: COI